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Sunday, February 03, 2013

Today I feel so worthless. He talks to me and i know its out of concern, But he says all i have is excuses. Yet after almost 40 yrs he still doesn't get it. I;m not comfortable in my own skin. I'm not the typical woman who like  to flit and make oneself up in make up and dress to the nine. He thinks that it should come to me naturally. But it doesn't . He wants me to do it for myself but i don't want to, it's not me! I don't mind putting on the makeup if he's around but its not the norm to wear it everyday. Why can't he get it and take me as is. Wish I could find someone that could. Wish i could finally find someone i can believe in when they say I love you. . There is only one person in my life that i believed that loved me and that was my dad. Is it time to end this relationship? I'm not sure but it's time to give it a long hard look at.

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